CEP Project Types
CEP Project Types
The following CEP programming types are organized from lowest barrier to entry to highest barrier to entry:
Modules are asynchronous, self-paced learning experiences typically built in CourseWorks (Canvas) (e.g., Time Management Module). They tend to provide more contextual or didactic information than an in-person offering, and are sometimes used to supplement workshops (e.g., as one would pair an asynchronous lecture or reading with a more active class period).
Public Lectures are one-off, largely didactic events, which spotlight the practices and/or research of experts in one or more pedagogical areas. These lectures may be given by Barnard affiliates or instructors/practitioners from another institution or organization.
Brown Bag Lunches are one-off discussion-based offerings held around lunchtime, and organized around a theme (e.g., community guidelines, trauma-informed pedagogy). They are intended to have a low-barrier to entry (e.g., show up having done some reading).
Workshops are one-off, interactive offerings focused on one topic or one set of skills. They are sometimes supplemented with asynchronous work on a module or CEP resource.
Reading Groups are recurring, discussion-based offerings organized around a book or set of readings on a particular theme. Though participants are encouraged to attend all sessions, they are also welcome to join on a one-off basis. In some cases, they may conclude with a guest speaker (e.g., the author of the chosen text).
Institutes are intensive, application-based offerings, where instructors learn and reflect together and work on their courses and/or projects in a short but dense period of time (~1 week) and with a relatively small community of participants (~5-15 participants). Institute participants must commit to the entire institute to be eligible.
Communities of Practice are sustained, sometimes application-based offerings designed to dig deeply into a particular topic or set of skills. The content and activities build on previous sessions, and participants are expected to prepare materials, reflect in community, and, in most cases, produce a final product or execute a task of some kind by the end of the experience. One of the goals of these offerings is to build community among participants, and draw on collective experience and wisdom to aid discussion, decision-making, and practice.
Student Learning Communities...
CEP Instructor-Led Pedagogy Groups Proposal Guidelines
We welcome proposals from any Barnard instructor who is interested in forming a group whose collaboration will advance the CEP’s commitments to developing transformative, collaborative, and holistic approaches to teaching and learning, including assessment and curricular projects. The CEP can offer up to $1,000 of support, which can be applied to guest speaker fees, materials, technical support, refreshments during meetings, and other costs. We are especially interested in supporting groups that foster collaborations across disciplines, areas of study, and teaching modes. Proposals can be sent to pedagogy@barnard.edu (subject line: CEP Pedagogy Group Proposal) and should include the following information:
- The topic or area of inquiry the group will explore (250-300 words).
- The duration of the group’s collaboration, including the frequency of meetings, and the anticipated structure of individual meetings OR the timeline of the project (150-200 words).
- The specific mode the collaboration will take (see Project Types & Definitions above for guidance, though this is not exhaustive), as well as the expected deliverables, goals, and/or outcomes of the learning community or project (150-200 words).
- The reasons why you believe this group’s project contributes to the mission of the CEP (150-200 words).
- The anticipated budget (50-100 words).
- The additional resources you anticipate needing from the CEP, if any (50-100 words).
Proposals are due on Monday, September 23rd.
If you have questions or would like to see an example of a previously-funded proposal, please email pedagogy@barnard.edu or set up a meeting with one of the CEP’s directors.