Abolitionist Pedagogy Resources for Instructors, Staff, and Students
Abolitionist Pedagogy Resources for Instructors, Staff, and Students

Inspired by the formation of the Abolitionist Pedagogy Discussion Group, we offer this living resource of books, articles, videos, podcasts, and syllabi to encourage critical and creative thinking about how abolitionist pedagogy can inform our teaching, our learning, and our way of life. Our resources are organized to reflect the core questions of the discussion group:
- What is abolition and how might it help us envision new worlds?
- How can we use abolitionist values to inform the projects we want to undertake?
- How do we put our abolitionist frameworks into action?
- How can we develop and sustain abolitionist practices to make abolitionism a way of life?
- Is it possible to do meaningful abolitionist work within institutions?
Articles and websites about abolition
Afary, Frieda and Lara Al-Kateb (2020) What Is Holding Back the Formation of a Global Prison Abolitionist Movement to Fight COVID-19 and Capitalism? Spectre April 3
Yale Slavery and Abolition Portal, External Institutions
Madden, Sidney, Sam Leeds and Rodney Carmichael (2020) 'I Want Us To Dream A Little Bigger': Noname And Mariame Kaba On Art And Abolition NPR December 19
Chinatown Art Brigade Collectively Imagining De-Gentrified and Abolitionist Futures (video)
Building Abolitionist Imaginaries from "Abolition as Praxis: An Interview With Sylvia Ryerson and Luis Luna."(video)
Patrisse Cullors and Angela Davis Imagining an Abolitionist Future (video)
Freedom Dreaming & Liberation: Robin D.G. Kelley (video)
Joy James: The Architects of Abolitionism (video)
Fitts, Mako Theorizing “Transformative Revolutionary Action: The Contribution of bell hooks to Emancipatory Knowledge Production”(video)
MOMA Abolitionist Imaginaries One-Day Symposium with symposia on Pedagogies & Coalition Building, Praxis & Activism, Aesthetics & Futurity (video)
UC Santa Cruz Visualizing Abolition Event Series with Angela Y. Davis and Gina Dent (video)
Tseng-Putterman, Mark (2018) Imagining Abolition: A Conversation with Jackie Wang Asian American Writers Workshop
Dreaming Abolition A Conversation with The Abolitionist Dream Mappers (podcast)
Love, Bettina L. & Gholnecsar E. Muhammad (2020) “What do we have to lose: toward disruption, agitation, and abolition in Black education.” International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 33:7, pp. 695-697.
Roberts, Dorothy E. (2008) “Constructing a Criminal Justice System Free of Racial Bias: An Abolitionist Framework” Columbia Human Rights Law Review pp. 261-285.
Zembylas, Michalinos (2021) “Affective Strategies of Abolition Pedagogies in Higher Education: Dismantling the Affective Governmentality of the Colonial University.” Equity & Excellence in Education 54:2, pp. 121-135.
Advice to New Abolitionists A video made by Rachel Herzing and Isaac Ontiveros in 2020, interviewing several long-time abolitionists for advice to people who are new to the politic. Interviewees include: Melissa Burch, Shana Agid, Mariame Kaba, Craig Gilmore, Dylan Rodríguez, Ejeris Dixon, Justin Piché, Erica Meiners, Mizue Aizeki, Mohamed Shehk, Jayden Donahue, Rachel Herzing and Isaac Ontiveros. (video)
What Is Abolition And Am I An Abolitionist? A talk by Patrisse Cullors (video)
“Education Liberates” featuring bell hooks and Bettina Love (video)
Dr. Bettina Love Interview for Engaged, Responsive Educators Bettina Love discusses what mattering means and explains what it means to be an abolitionist teacher. (podcast)
Abolitionist Teaching and the Future of Our Schools A conversation with Bettina Love, Gholdy Muhammad, Dena Simmons and Brian Jones about abolitionist teaching and antiracist education (video)
The Economy of Incarceration: Ruth Wilson Gilmore (video)
bell hooks: Moving from Pain to Power Conversation with bell hooks, Marci Blackman, and Darnell Moore (video)
Prison Abolitionist Imagination Talk by Jackie Wang, Black Studies scholar, poet, multimedia artist, and author of "Carceral Capitalism." (video)
Abolition, Cultural Freedom, Liberation with Angela Y. Davis, Mike Davis, and Ruth Wilson Gilmore hosted by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor. (video)
Abolition Is Our Obligation Dylan Rodriguez (video)
A Conversation with Sandy Grande, Stefano Harney, Fred Moten, Jasbir Puar, and Dylan Rodríguez (video)
Abolition University: studying within/against/beyond the university
Abolitionist University Studies: An Invitation
Thoughts on an Abolitionist University: Freeing Higher Education From Itself (video)
Asians for Abolition: A conversation about abolitionist politics and transformative justice between Asian activists, authors and organizers (video)
Beyond #StopAsianHate: Criminalization, Gender, & Asian Abolition Feminism (video)
Cheung, Caroline (2021) “Abolishing the Academy” Imagining America (podcast)
Chua, Charmaine (2020) “Abolition Is A Constant Struggle: Five Lessons from Minneapolis” Theory & Event Vol. 23, Number 4 Supplement, October 2020, pp. S-127-S-147.
Palacios, Lena (2016) “Challenging Convictions: Indigenous and Black Race-Radical Feminists Theorizing the Carceral State and Abolitionist Praxis in the United States and Canada” Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism, no. 1(2016):137-165.
Ranganathan, Malini and Eve Bratman (2021) “From Urban Resilience to Abolitionist Climate Justice in Washington, DC” Antipode Vol. 53 No. 1 2021 ISSN 0066-4812, pp. 115–137.
Spade, Dean (2013) “Intersectional Resistance and Law Reform” Signs Volume 38, Number 4
Spade, Dean (2021) ”CLOSE THE PRISONS! OPEN THE BORDERS!: How Abolition is Shaping Queer and Trans Politics” Lecture given at the closing of the 10th International Congress of the Brazilian Association for Homoculture Studies.
Abolitionist Storywork - Developing Aftercare Practices The Laundromat Project, part of the abolitionist storywork project (video)
Nothing Never Happens (podcast)
Abolitionist Teaching: A Conversation with Bettina L. Love (podcast)
[From the series Abolitionist University Studies: An Invitation]
Motta, Sara The (im)possibility of Decolonising the University (video)
Griffey, Trevor Why position “abolitionist university studies” in opposition to “critical university studies”?
Stein, Sharon Abolitionist Work’s Psycho-affective Dimensions and Pedagogical Challenges
Buchanan, Blu A Black Class: Re-Learning Abolition in Higher Education Organizing November 26, 2019
Baldwin, Davarian (2021) Why We Should Abolish the Campus Police Chronicle of Higher Education May 19
Denning, Michael “Wageless Life.” New Left Review 66 (November-December 2010): pp. 79-97.
Dillard, Cynthia and Amber Neal (2021) Still Following Our North Star: The Necessity of Black Women’s Spiritual (Re) Membering in Qualitative (Re)search Qualitative Inquiry. Vol. 27(10) pp. 1182–1190.
Eve, Martin Paul (2021) "The Abolition of the University"
Gillespie, Kelly & Leigh-Ann Naidoo (2021) Abolition Pedagogy: Force Fields of Critique Critical Times 4 (2): pp. 284–312.
Harkins, Gillian and Erica Meiners (2014) “Beyond Crisis: College in Prison through the Abolition Undercommons” Issue 3
Editorial Board of The Daily Free Press The BUPD promised us the perception of safety — not its reality The Daily Free Press December 8, 2021
Ekeogu,Onyekachi and Lamont Loyd-Sims (2021) University Endowments and Abolition Feminist Movements: A Call for Extending U.S. Based Endowments to Community Knowledge Production Sites Grassroots Thinking February 4
Fanuzzi, Robert “Abolition” In Bruce Burgett and Glenn Hendler, eds. Keywords for American Cultural Studies (New York: NYU Press, 2018) (citing DuBois, W. E. B. Black Reconstruction in America, 1860-1880. 1935. (New York: Free Press, 1998), p. 184.
Fondren, Precious (2021) Students Demand Abolition Coursework from Colleges and Universities February 4 The Progressive
Mason Mckie, “College Professor Calls to Abolish Universities” Washington Examiner, July 26, 2018
Oxholm, Perfecta (2021) Abolition: A Responsibility to Dismantle Inequitable Institutions February 26
Ladson-Billings, Gloria (2021) “I’m Here for the Hard Re-Set: Post Pandemic Pedagogy to Preserve Our Culture,” Equity & Excellence in Education 54:1, pp. 68-78.
Leslie, Anegla M., Watson, V.M., Borunda, R.M., Bosworth, K.E.M. and Grant, T.J. (2021). Towards Abolition: Undoing the Colonized Curriculum. Journal of Curriculum Studies Research 3(1), pp. 1-20.
LeMaster, Benny & Meggie Mapes (2020) “Refusing a compulsory want for revenge, or, teaching against retributive justice with liberatory pedagogy,” Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 17:4, pp. 401-409.
Maldonado, David and Erica Meiners (2021) “Due Time: Meditations on Abolition at the Site of the University” Social Text 39 1(146): pp. 69–92.
Ramamurthy, Rithika We Owe You Nothing: The Movement to Cancel Student Debt Gains Ground Non-profit Quarterly February 9, 2022
Rodríguez, Dylan (2021) “Tyranny of the Task Force: Police Abolition and the Counterinsurgent Campus” Connecticut Law Review pp. 506-527.
Spade, Dean (2010) “Be Professional!” Harvard Journal of Law and Gender vol. 33, pp. 71-84
Taylor, Astra The End of the University The New Republic September 8, 2020
How to Grow Abolition on Your Campus: 8 Actions
Whynacht, Ardath, Emily Arsenault and Rachael Cooney (2018) “Abolitionist Pedagogy in the Neoliberal University” Social Justice, Vol. 45, No. 4 (154), Penal Abolition: Challenging Boundaries pp. 141-162.
Zembylas, Michalinos (2021) “Affective Strategies of Abolition Pedagogies in Higher Education: Dismantling the Affective Governmentality of the Colonial University.” Equity & Excellence in Education 54:2, pp. 121-135.
Freedom U: Higher Ed for True Liberation Radical Imagination podcast with Angela Glover Blackwell. She talks with Freedom University Executive Director and Professor of Human Rights, Dr. Laura Emiko Soltis in this episode. (podcast)
Radio Cachimbona It Doesn't Have To Be This Way Interview with "Hermanas in the Law" and visiting law professor Paulina Vera about the article "Silent Screams from Within the Academy: Let My People Grow" by Peter Alexander and her experiences as a Latina woman in academia. (podcast)
The Anti-Girlboss Socialist Club The Campus Sexual Assault Industrial Complex: A Story of Professionalization & Bureaucratization In this episode, hosts Paniz and Tamsyn talk about why neoliberal approaches to campus sexual assault don’t meet survivors’ actual (namely, material) needs or take into account the role of power in sexual violence - and what can be done instead. (podcast)
Abolitionist Educator: Abolitionist Universities: Organizing in and against Education 11/12 with Audrey Beard, Yulia Gilich, Sandy Grande, Blu Buchanan, Damien Sojoyner and Nick Mitchell (video)
Repurposing Our Pedagogies with Chrissy A.Z. Hernandez, Bettina Love, Marylin Zuniga, Sagnicthe Salazar, Stephanie Cariaga, Fatima Pour-Khorshid, Carla Shalaby, Cecelia Caballero (video)
Berger, Dan and Mariame Kaba, David Stein (2017) What Abolitionists Do Jacobin
House, Sophie and Krystle Okafor (2020) “Under One Roof: Building an Abolitionist Approach to Housing Justice” Poverty and Race Research Action Council
Lamble, Sarah (2019) “Practising Everyday Abolition” Abolitionist Futures
Scott, David Steven (2013) “Visualising an abolitionist real utopia: principles, policy and praxis” Crime, Critique and Utopia pp. 90-113.
Spade, Dean (2020) “Solidarity Not Charity: Mutual Aid for Mobilization and Survival” Social Text 142:Vol. 38, No. 1 pp. 131-151.
Syllabi, research and study guides, and other abolitionist resources
African American Intellectual History Society Prison Abolition Syllabus 2.0
Asian American Writers Workshop A Reading List for Abolitionist Imagination and Practice
Black and Pink Abolition Syllabus
Cházaro, Angélica Social Movements and Abolition of the Carceral State
Harcourt, Bernard Columbia University Seminar on Contemporary Critical Thought: Abolition Democracy 13/13 Syllabus
Interrupting Criminalization, Project Nia & Critical Resistance So is this Actually an Abolitionist Proposal or Strategy?
Northwestern University Libraries Research Guide on Abolition
Oakland Power Projects Reports, Commentary, and Articles about uncoupling health and mental health care from policing and prisons
Know Your Rights When Dealing with the Cops
UC-Santa Barbara Orfalea Center Thematic Research Cluster on Structural Violence, Police/Prison Abolition, and Decoloniality
UC-Santa Cruz VIsualizing Abolition Study Guides
University of Minnesota Institute of Advanced Study Resources on Abolition
Wilson, Chanelle Abolitionist Teaching for Education Revolution
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