Anti-Racist Resources for Instructors, Staff, and Students
Anti-Racist Resources for Instructors, Staff, and Students
Inspired by the discussions of the Anti-Racist Reading Group in 2020-2021, we offer this living resource list of books, articles, and videos to expand upon the Anti-Racist Reading Group’s Syllabus and to encourage critical thinking about anti-racist pedagogy. Our resource list is also available in PDF form.

Selected anti-racist teaching and research guides
The selected teaching and research guides below will be helpful to instructors as they conceptualize and design anti-racist and decolonial syllabi; to faculty and students as they plan anti-racist approaches to their research; to writing tutors and writing center staff as they center anti-racism in their pedagogy; and to faculty, students and staff as they critically challenge the interrelationship between language and the naming of oppressive classroom, institutional, and systemic practices.
Aikens, Kristina (2020) Prioritizing Antiracism in Writing Tutor Education
Class Trouble (2020) A Guide to Coded Language in Education Vol. I & II
CSUEB Alliance for the Black Community Education and Almeida, Ana et al. (2021) Designing an Anti-Racist Syllabus California State University East Bay
Liboiron, Max (2019) Decolonizing your syllabus? You might have missed some steps
Modern Language Association (2020-2021) Antiracist Resources for your 2020-2021 Teaching
Thurber, Amie and MB Harbin and Joe Bandy (2019) Teaching Race: Pedagogy and Practice Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching.
University of Minnesota (2021) Conducting research through an anti-racism lens

Selected anti-racist syllabi and reading lists
The selected syllabi and reading lists below are suggested as resources for instructors as they brainstorm their syllabi; for faculty, staff, students and leaners of all types as they self-educate about topics within anti-racism such as the history of institutionalized racism, the politics and history of Black-Asian solidarity, Islamophobia, reparations, and the politics and history of indigenous resistance. Several of the resources listed are of particular interest to writing instructors, tutors and students as they prioritize anti-racist writing pedagogies.
Black Islam Syllabus Professor Kayla Renée Wheeler (Xavier University)
Black Lives Matter and American Democracy Professor Debra Thompson (McGill University)
Black Power, Yellow Peril: Towards a Politics of Afro-Asian Solidarity Professor Diane Wong (NYU)
Charleston Syllabus African American Intellectual History Association
Decriminalizing Blackness Syllabus History Department, University of North Texas
Ferguson Syllabus Sociologists for Justice
A History of Anti-Black Racism in Medicine Antoine S. Johnson, Elise A. Mitchell, Ayah Nuriddin
Institutionalized Racism: A Syllabus Catherine Halley
Islamophobia is Racism Syllabus
Reparations Syllabus David Lemke, Rashad Akeem Williams, Hana C. Maruyama, Kai Pyle, Karen Ho (University of Minnesota)
Standing Rock Syllabus NYC Stands for Standing Rock

Reading Lists
Amherst College (2020) Antiracist Writing Pedagogy
Black Women Radicals and the Asian American Feminist Collective (2020) Black and Asian-American Feminist Solidarities: A Reading List
Halley, Catherine (2020) Institutionalized Racism: A Syllabus JSTOR Daily May 31
Kendi, Ibram X. (2019) The Anti-Racist Reading List the Atlantic February 12
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture (2020) Black Liberation Reading List
Yale University Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning (2020) Readings and Other Resources for Antiracist Pedagogy

Academic and non-academic resources: books, articles, and talks

Arao, Brian & Clemens, Kristi (2013). “From safe spaces to brave spaces. The art of effective facilitation: Reflections from social justice educators” 135-150 in Ed. Lisa M. Landreman The Art of Effective Facilitation: Reflections from Social Justice Educators Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing
Berlak, Ann (2004) “Confrontation and Pedagogy: Cultural Secrets, Trauma, and Emotion in Antioppressive Pedagogies” Counterpoints, Vol. 240, Democratic Dialogue in Education: Troubling Speech, Disturbing Silence (2004), 123-144
Buyserie, Beth., Bryson, Rachel and Quistberg, Rachel (2021) "Productive disruptions: Resilient pedagogies that advocate for equity" 37-53 in Thurston, T. N., Lundstrom, K., & González, C. (Eds.), Resilient pedagogy: Practical teaching strategies to overcome distance, disruption, and distraction Logan: Utah State University Press
Gershenson, Seth and Nicholas Papageorge “The Power of Teacher Expectation” Education Next Vol. 8 No 1
Gillespie, Christina Hyer and Kali Thompson (2021) “Women Teachers and the Fight to Be ‘Good Enough’: A Call for a Pedagogy of Authenticity” The Educational Forum, Vol. 85, no. 3, 256–268
Kandaswamy, Priya. (2007) "Beyond Colorblindness and Multiculturalism: Rethinking Anti-Racist Pedagogy in the University Classroom." Radical Teacher, no. 80, 6-11
Kumashiro, Kevin K. (2001) Troubling Intersections of Race and Sexuality: Queer Students of Color and Anti-Oppressive Education Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield
Kumashiro, Kevin K. (2000) “Toward a theory of anti-oppressive education” Review of Educational research, 70(1), 25-53
McGee, Ebony O. and David Stovall (2015) “Reimagining Critical Race Theory in Education: Mental Health, Healing, and the Pathway to Liberatory Praxis” Educational Theory 19 October
Ohito, Esther. (2020) “Fleshing out enactments of Whiteness in antiracist pedagogy: snapshot of a White teacher educator’s practice” Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 28(1), 17-36
Ore, Ersula. (2017) “Pushback: A Pedagogy of Care.” Pedagogy, 17.1, 9-33
Simpson, Jennifer S. (2006). “Reaching for justice: The pedagogical politics of agency, race, and change.” The Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 28(1): 67-94
Squire, Dian and Bianca Williams and Frank Tuitt (2018) “Plantation Politics and Neoliberal Racism in Higher Education: A Framework for Reconstructing Anti-Racist Institutions” Teachers College Record Volume 120, 1-20
Yu, Tianlong (2012). “What is it that I don’t know? Learning with white teachers in anti-racist education.” Multicultural Education 19, 47–52
Zembylas, Michalinos “Pedagogies of strategic empathy: navigating through the emotional complexities of anti-racism in higher education” Teaching in Higher Education, 17(2), 113-125
Baker, Courtney (2015) Humane Insight: Looking at Images of African American Suffering and Death Urbana: University of Illinois Press
Balibar, Étienne and Nahum Chandler Understanding Systemic Racism with Étienne Balibar and Nahum Chandler [video]
Chai, Sookyung “Vero” (2021) “Editing the Archive: Alexandra Bell’s Annotation, Redaction, and Epistemic Resistance in Counternarratives” Art Journal Vol. 80, Issue 2, 54-72
Dark Matter University, Lessons in Anti-Racist Design Pedagogy [video]
Enwezor, Okwui and Massimiliano Gioni, Glenn Ligon, Mark Nash (2020) Grief and Grievance: Art and Mourning in America London: Phaidon
Huber, Sasha and Faith Mkwesha (2020) “Rethinking Design: A Dialogue on Anti-Racism and Art Activism from a Decolonial Perspective” in Keskinen S., Stoltz P., Mulinari D. (eds) Feminisms in the Nordic Region. Gender and Politics. London: Palgrave Macmillan
Inoue, Asao (2020) “Teaching Antiracist Reading” Journal of College Reading and Learning Vol. 50 Issue 3, 1-23
Jaarsma, Ada S. and Kit Dobson (2020) Dissonant Methods: Undoing Discipline in the Humanities Classroom Alberta: University of Alberta Press
Ohito, Esther (2021) ““I’m Very Hurt”: (Un)justly Reading the Black Female Body as Text in a Racial Literacy Learning Assemblage.” Reading Research Quarterly, 0(0) 1–19
Sharpe, Christina (2016) In the Wake: On Blackness and Being Durham: Duke University Press
Smith, Zadie (2020) “What Do We Want History To Do To Us?” New York Review of Books, February 27
Ahmed, Sara (2012) On Being Included: Racism and Diversity in Institutional Life Durham, NC: Duke University Press
Brim, Matt (2020) Poor Queer Studies: Confronting Elitism in the University Durham: Duke University Press
The Cite Black Women Podcast [podcast]
Crenshaw, Kimberlé Williams, ed. (2019) Seeing Race Again: Countering Colorblindness across the Disciplines Berkeley: University of California Press
Dei Sefa, George J. and Mairi McDermott (2014) Politics of Anti-Racism Education: In Search of Strategies for Transformative Learning New York: Springer
Ferguson, Roderick (2012) The Reorder of Things: The University and Its Pedagogies of Minority Difference Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
Gutiérrez y Muhs, Gabriella, Yolanda Flores Niemann, Carmen G. Gonzalez, and Angela P. Harris, eds. Presumed Incompetent: The Intersections of Race and Class for Women in Academia Boulder: University Press of Colorado, 2012
Gonzalez, Carmen G. (2015) “Women of Color in Academia: Challenging the Presumption of Incompetence” [video]
Ho, Jennifer (2021) “Anti-Asian racism, Black Lives Matter, and COVID-19” Japan Forum, 33:1, 148-159
Hong, Grace Kyungwon (2008). “‘The Future of Our Worlds’: Black Feminism and the Politics of Knowledge in the University under Globalization” Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 8.2, 95-115
Intersectionality Matters! Hosted by Kimberlé Crenshaw [podcast]
Jordan, June (1969) “Black Studies: Bringing Back the Person”
Kelley, Robin DG (2021) “Understanding and Organizing to End Racial Capitalism” [video]
Kishimoto, Kyoko. (2018) “Anti-racist pedagogy: from faculty’s self-reflection to organizing within and beyond the classroom” Race Ethnicity and Education 21.4, 540-554
Lee, Robert and Tristan Ahtone (2020) Land-grab Universities
Melaku, Tsedale M., and Angie Beeman. (2020) “Academia Isn’t a Safe Haven for Conversations About Race and Racism” Harvard Business Review June 25
Sudbury, Julia and Margo Okazawa-Rey, Eds. (2009) Activist Scholarship: Antiracism, Feminism, and Social Change New York: Routledge
Welton, Anjalé, Devean Owens and Eboni Zamani-Gallaher (2018) “Anti-Racist Change: A Conceptual Framework for Educational Institutions to Take Systemic Action” Teachers College Record Vol.120, 1-22
Wilder, Craig Steven. (2013) Ebony & Ivy: Race, Slavery, and the Troubled History of America’s Universities. New York: Bloomsbury
Wynter, Sylvia (1994) “‘No Humans Involved’: An Open Letter to My Colleagues”
Yang, K. Wayne and Eve Tuck (2012) “Decolonization is not a Metaphor” Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society Vol. 1, No. 1, 1-40
Adamson, Bryan (2016) “Thugs, Crooks, and Rebellious Negroes: Racist and Racialized Media Coverage of Michael Brown and the Ferguson Demonstrations,” 32 Harvard Journal of Ethnic and Racial Justice 189
Bell, Alexandra and Leigh Raiford (2020) Alexandra Bell and Leigh Raiford on Media and Images [video]
Bernard, Emily and Jelani Cobb (2020) Picturing Black Deaths: A conversation with Professors Emily Bernard and Jelani Cobb Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma, Columbia University [video]
Chakravartty, Paula and Rachel Kuo, Victoria Grubbs, Charlton McIlwain (2018) "#CommunicationSoWhite" Journal of Communication, Vol. 68, Issue 2, 254–266
Editorial Board of the Los Angeles Times “An examination of The Times’ failures on race, our apology and a path forward”
Free Press (2020) "Media 2070: An Invitation to Dream Up Media Reparations"
George, Alice (2018) “The 1968 Kerner Commission Got It Right, But Nobody Listened” Smithsonian March 1
Hall, Stuart. (2018) “The Whites of their Eyes: Racist Ideologies and the Media” in Gender, Race and Class in Media: A Critical Reader Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications
Neason, Alexandria (2021) “On Atonement” Columbia Journalism Review January 28
Lowery, Wesley (2020) “A Reckoning Over Objectivity, Led by Black Journalists” New York Times 23 June
Race Forward (2015) Race Reporting Guide
Swarns, Rachel (2021) Diversity Resources for Journalism Faculty
Syracuse University Guidance for Reporting and Writing About Racism
Baker-Bell, April (2020) “We Been Knowin: Toward an Antiracist Language & Literacy Education” Journal of Language and Literacy Education Vol. 16 Issue, 1-12
Bizzell, Patricia. (1991). “Power, Authority, and Critical Pedagogy” Journal of Basic Writing Vol. 10 No. 2, 54-70
Cedillo, Christina V. (2018) “What Does It Mean to Move?: Race, Disability, and Critical Embodiment Pedagogy” Composition Forum 39, Summer 1-16
Chavez, Felicia Rose (2021) The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop: How to Decolonize the Creative Classroom Chicago: Haymarket Books
Condon, Frankie and Vershawn Ashanti Young (2017) Performing Antiracist Pedagogy in Rhetoric, Writing, and Communication Boulder: University of Colorado Press
Gonzales, Laura and Janine Butler (2020) “Working Toward Social Justice through Multilingualism, Multimodality, and Accessibility in Writing Classrooms” Composition Forum 44, Summer
Lockett, Alexandra (2019) “Why I call it the academic ghetto: A critical examination of race, place, and writing centers” Praxis: A Writing Center Journal, Vol 16, No 2
Inoue, Asao (2012) “Grading contracts: Assessing their effectiveness on differential racial formations” In Asao B. Inoue and Mya Poe (Eds.), Race and Writing Assessment (pp. 79-94). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Inoue, Asao (2019) Chair’s Address, National Council of Teachers of English Conference [video]
Lorde, Audre “The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action”
de Roock, Roberto Santiago (2021) “On the material consequences of (digital) literacy: Digital writing with, for, and against racial capitalism” Theory Into Practice, Vol. 60, No. 2, 183–193
Young, Vershawn Ashanti (2016) Making Black Lives Matter in Online Spaces: Lessons for Critical Literacy Education University of Washington Tacoma Symposium on Writing [video]
Benjamin, Ruha (2019) Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code London: Polity
Burkholder, Zoë (2011) “Can Anthropology Improve Antiracist Education?”Anthropology Now, 3:3, 36-46
Chaudhry, Varun V (2020) “On Trans Dissemblance: Or, Why Trans Studies Needs Black Feminism” Signs Spring, 529-536
Collins, Patricia Hill “Learning from the Outsider Within: The Sociological Significance of Black Feminist Thought” Social Problems Vol. 33, No. 6, (Oct. - Dec., 1986), S14-S32
Hage, Ghassan. (2020) "Antiracist Writing" Writing Anthropology: Essays on Craft and Commitment, edited by Carole McGranahan, New York, USA: Duke University Press
Liboiron, Max (2021) Pollution is Colonialism Durham: Duke University Press
Mansbridge, Jane and Aldon Morris, Eds. (2001) Oppositional Consciousness: The Subjective Roots of Social Protest Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Matsuda, Mari J (1997) Where Is Your Body? And Other Essays on Race, Gender, and the Law Boston: Beacon Press
Moon, Dreama & Lisa A. Flores (2000) “Antiracism and the abolition of whiteness: Rhetorical strategies of domination among ‘race traitors,’”Communication Studies, 51:2, 97-115
Wieviorka, Michel (2020) “Metamorphoses of racism, anti-semitism and anti-racism today” in Routledge International Handbook of Contemporary Racisms London: Routledge
Asai, David (2020) “Race Matters” Cell 181: 754-757
Cell Editorial Board (2020) “Science has a Racism Problem” June 25 1443-1444
Chaudhary, V. Bala and Asmeret Asefaw Berhe (2020) “Ten simple rules for building an antiracist lab” PLoS Computational Biology 16(10): 1-9
Dewsbury, Brian (2017) “Context determines strategies for ‘activating’ the inclusive classroom” Journal of Microbiology Biology Education 18:18.3.66
Edwards, Mélise Cognitive Reserve and Racial Privilege in STEM
Gouvea, Julia Svoboda “Antiracism and the Problems with “Achievement Gaps” in STEM Education” CBE Life Sciences Education March 1
McGee, Ebony O. and Danny B. Martin (2011) ‘‘You Would Not Believe What I Have to Go Through to Prove My Intellectual Value!’’ Stereotype Management Among Academically Successful Black Mathematics and Engineering Students” American Educational Research Journal December Vol. 48, No. 6, 1347–1389
McGee, Ebony O. and Lydia Bentley (2017) “The Troubled Success of Black Women in STEM” Cognition and Instruction, 35:4, 265-289
Gewin, Virginia (2020) The time tax put on scientists of colour Nature 24 June
Killpack, Tess L. and Laverne C. Melón (2016) “Toward Inclusive STEM Classrooms: What Personal Role Do Faculty Play?” CBE: Life Science Education, 15(3): 1-0, 1-9
Soran-Knaphus, Emily, Daiki Hiramori and Elizabeth Litzler (2021) “Antiracist Institutional Transformation Matters: How Can Community Cultural Wealth and Counter-space Processes Illuminate Areas for Change?” ASEE Virtual Annual Conference
Barnard-specific resources
Antiracist Resources from BCRW, Africana Studies, and English
Undesign the Redline Syllabus complementing the Undesign the Redline interactive exhibition combining history, art, and storytelling with community outreach and collaboration in order to reckon with systemic racism by examining the legacy of redlining in Barnard and Columbia's neighborhood.

Contribute to this list
Do you have resources to contribute to our list? Please feel free to add your own suggestions here.